Friday, September 3, 2010

Mary & Martha

"Like Mary, choose the better part:
Sit down as by him, ease your load;
Commune with him, heart to heart.
Be still; and know that he is God.
But now, be Martha: rise once more,
Prepare the supper, sweep the floor,
And trim the lamp; now, work your fill-
The bridegroom's at the gate. Be still!"

Be Still
By Arthur H. King
Ensign, Dec. 1976

As the first post on this new blog of mine I was thinking about the title I came up with, Choose the Better Part. I've heard this countless times in the Church and that's what I decided I need to do better with my life. As I was looking for quotes or stories about choosing the better part, I came across this poem from the LDS Church's website and it really got me to thinking about "choosing the better part." We have to do both-we have to be able to sit and be still and commune with the Savior- something I definitely struggle with. Making the time to be still and just listen and learn from the Spirit. But I like how the author points out that's not the end-We then have to get up, get our homes in order, and work. I think this really is going to be my journey; learning to not only do one of these, but both. Being able to balance my spiritual needs and the physical demands and needs that come from being a wife and a mother as well.
Wish me luck :)

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